
War On

Seeing as the super cool and always politically incorrect Squid wanted to see something serious AND funny or at least that's the way I read it, here's a little cartoon I did for TV. It's the second episode in a little series called War On. Not seen it before?! It wasn't picked up for reasons that can only be accounted for as my own silliness. It's kinda nice being a naive little Australian sometimes, but let's just say if you're going to a parody your countries involvement in the Iraq war don't pass your 'spots' on to your contacts in renowned pro-war media outlet. They're not interested and they never will be. So here it is.

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I'm not actually that political but I can say that although I don't exactly agree with our involvement in Iraq I do have the greatest respect for our soldiers. Yes, that includes the man being parodied here, Col. Mike Hannan, who I met personally on several occasions when I worked in Defence. He's a good bloke and an excellent officer, no disrespect intended. (He really does talk that way BTW, the voice artist did excellent work).

Take: 14

Blogger Calzone mused...

America! Love it or leave it you fascist!

Oh shit, you live in Australia I forgot. I also forgot I am so not down with the war.

I guess I'm still a little faded from last night. Sorry bro, cool film.

Wed May 03, 08:54:00 pm

Blogger G3T Films mused...

Yo Dragon breath, I've considered immigrating to the US just so I leave in disgust. Will you marry me so I can get a green card?

I think Americans, like Australians, are awesome. Our international representatives on the other hand...

You've gotta stop the chroming bro! Give my best to Monkey


Thu May 04, 11:11:00 am

Blogger G3T Films mused...

Glad you liked it Squidells

At least Americans had an idea of what your troops were doing, because the only troops we had in Iraq were special forces every question from the press was answered with 'I can't answer that due to operational security'.

We've actually just had our first solider die in Iraq. He apparently shot himself in the head while cleaning his hand gun. Strange how the Coroner can't find any ballistics evidence to support that claim. How'd he really die? 'I can't answer that due to operational security'. It's little wonder that our Prime Minister and Bush hang out together.

Hmmm... much better to laugh about these things...

Take Care


Thu May 04, 11:22:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Many thanks abouth the info about http://www.nccnsw.org.au/ it has been a great help.

Once I return to Oz from the y.UK scratching can commense

Thu May 04, 04:57:00 pm

Blogger G3T Films mused...

No worries Paul. The only reason I know about them is that they're in the same building as I am.

Glad to be of service.


PS. I'll settle for a beer.

Fri May 05, 09:41:00 am

Blogger poopee shmoopee mused...

i really like the animations.

and my car really likes oil.

Wed May 10, 08:01:00 am

Blogger poopee shmoopee mused...

BTW you should totally move to canada.

it's like australia with crappier weather and better beer. oh yeah, we also have more abortions, marijuana and gays.

as canadians we are proud that our government said NO to the war in iraq, to the ire of the american government.

which hasn't really made much of a difference to us since we ended up sending our troops into afghanistan to clean up the DISASTER they left behind where about 16 soldiers have been killed so far. and 223 americans...sigh...

no one wins these things

Wed May 10, 08:10:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Well I'm sure the sea-faring people of Iraq will enjoy supplying your car with oil.

Glad you like them, they're sooo much fun to make.

I've seriously thought about moving to Canada. Not for the weather, beer and reasonably sensible government but because that's where most of the animations played in Oz are made. Canada is definately one of the last surviving animators paradises.

Yeah, we've just sent more soldiers to Afghanistan as well... you're right, no-one going to win at this game.

Wed May 10, 11:10:00 am

Blogger concerned citizen mused...

****'s General. I'd write more but the damn 'word verifacation takes so long. what's with the wheelchair? Are we in a handi-cap zone???

Sun May 14, 01:52:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Ah, no, he's a Colonel, wait, I get it... No I don't. Thanks anyway.

You're right! I hate that word verification thingo, gone, but only because blogger are trying to imply that people in wheelchairs are blind. I'm in a wheelchair and I can see fine, by wheelchair I mean one of those office chairs with the wheels on the bottom. I'm in no way handicapped, well, my seeing eye dog tells me different but who ever trusted a talking dog?!

Mon May 15, 01:34:00 pm

Blogger SafeTinspector mused...

On the surface this plan seems counterintuitive.
How do they plan on lowering the land-mass? Subsidence? Build a nice big dirt-hill in the persian gulf?

Foolish almost-bespectacled aussie soldier.

Tue May 16, 10:34:00 pm

Blogger concerned citizen mused...

Ha Ha!! My mission in life. Get rid of word verifacation.
About the film, who does the American accent? is that you?

Wed May 17, 09:52:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...


I think the plan was for vapourisation, that or we could always use more sand for our Aussie beaches.

Wed May 17, 10:13:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

l>t, there's an American accent? I think they're Aussie and a particularly bad English.

And yes, I did the voices for this film, hence the smart arse comment about the voice artist doing excellent work. I try to use people a little more professional when I can.

Wed May 17, 10:16:00 am


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