
In better news...

Over the last few years there's been a certain hullabaloo surrounding todays date. But no matter the opinions, the politics, the controversies, or the conspiracies, today will always make me think one thing.

Today is a day to remember and hold close the people we love and respect. Cheers to them all!

Including me dear old da, happy birthday.

Take: 15

Blogger Lil Mizfit mused...

9/11 was a tragedy. yes, we, ppl from India too think abt the numerous lives lost.

it was ur b'dayon 9th! wow! wish u a belated happy b'day. BTW,i follow u in a few days. i turn into a tragic old spinster on the 15th...i think i'm sad already.


Mon Sept 11, 06:00:00 pm

Blogger JLee mused...

aw, a bright spot on this day...
Happy Birthday to your Da!! :)
Your birthday was the 9th?? Mine was the 5th. Wow, all these Virgos running around. yay

Tue Sept 12, 12:47:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

You're right mizfit, it was a tragedy. A real chance for the govt's of the 'free' west to do something truly Great. Instead we got together and formed a lynch squad. Rightly? Don't know yet...

Um, no, it wasn't my b'day on the 9th. I think India must be like Oz, it was my dad's birfday (he can't pronouce 'th') on 11 Sept, 11/9 to us peoples.

'tragic old spinster', so you're turning what? 80, 90 years old?

Tue Sept 12, 09:57:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Yeah JLee, I like to think it is!

He is of course a crazy old dutchman who thinks terrorists flew planes into buildings in order to ruin his B'day. I think he was OK with it once he realised he was going to still get presents. Life goes on...

Happy Birthday for the 5th JLee! I agree, it's simply marvelous to have these virgins running around.

Tue Sept 12, 10:00:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Ha! I've been to the non-=existant Hans Brinker's statue near Spaarndam which is enscribed:

Opgedragen aan onze jeugd als een huldeblijk aan de knaap die het symbool werd van de eeuwigdurende strijd van Nederland met Katje.

Roughly translates to...

Dedicated to our youth, to honour the boy who symbolises the perpetual struggle of the Dutch with pussy.

Tue Sept 12, 11:31:00 am

Blogger Gyrobo mused...

Happy birthday. Abstract art a posting makes.

Tue Sept 12, 11:41:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

I'll tell my dad that a virtual robot clown passes on his birthday salutations. He won't enjoy it, but I'll do it.

I guess the pic does seem a little abstract but seeing as my dad has been put on a glutton free diet recently and would chew his own arm off to get a piece of birthday cake it makes perfect sense to me.

Tue Sept 12, 11:58:00 am

Blogger Ticharu mused...

A birfday for Da! How nice! I'm gonna get drunk!

Tue Sept 12, 01:10:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

You need an excuse Tich?

Have one for me!

Tue Sept 12, 01:15:00 pm

Blogger Lil Mizfit mused...

i'm not turning 80 or 90 but smthing worser than that...i turn 24!!! did i say 24? i meant 17.

Tue Sept 12, 09:07:00 pm

Blogger JLee mused...

"glutton-free diet" or "gluten-free diet"? either one will work I suppose?

Wed Sept 13, 12:47:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Mizfit, ahhhhh 24, 24 was fantastic. Old enough to have some understanding of the world and young enough to ignore the pitfalls on the way to your dreams. Wonderful time.

Personally I like the power and respect one feels in your early 30's but 24 was brillant.

Enjoy it!

Wed Sept 13, 08:59:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

I love it when someone pays attention JLee. Aren't I punny.

Wed Sept 13, 09:00:00 am

Blogger SafeTinspector mused...

Eat the CAKE not the ARM! The CAKE!!

Wed Sept 13, 11:57:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...


Wed Sept 13, 02:25:00 pm


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