

I thought I'd try him with a little more texture. Which do people prefer?

Shhh, jus' skulk'n 'bout, otherwise known as 'catching up on work after the break' or 'fun with post-it notes'. Really. Pictures like this are why I keep post-it notes next to my computer.

Hope everyone had a good new year. I'll be catching up shortly.

Take: 37

Blogger JLee mused...

I won't tell anyone... ;)

Wed Jan 10, 12:38:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Thanks Jlee, I knew I could trust you to keep it quiet, wait, are we talking about me sneaking a look at blogs for the first time in weeks in between doing work or your impending sex change? Cause you shouldn't have to keep quiet. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I think you'll look great as a woman, you've already got the boobs and lack of penis for it :)

Wed Jan 10, 12:00:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Squid... um... No. My desk is in Torquay, England. Makes it hard to use but it's handy to have the Post-Its. Handy cause if I ever want to... wait... I don't use Post-Its for anything other than scribbling pictures on. What a waste of corporate resources. Cool, I can save the company a quarter million just by drawing on normal paper and closing the Torquay office.

Seriously though, Post-Its are a world wide phenomena. Well, world-wide except for Seychelles. Post-Its just happens to sound like their word Porstz which roughly translates to rectal inflamation. For obvious reasons they left Post-Its on the shelf untouched.

Wed Jan 10, 12:14:00 pm

Blogger Diana Crabtree mused...

I never gave you permission to post my portrait on your blog

Wed Jan 10, 02:49:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

I don't need your permission. You got really drunk the other night and sold me your soul. I can do whatever I want with you now. Bwahahahahahaha!

Not a bad deal for 22cents and a tube of half used lipstick I stole from that transvestite?!

Wed Jan 10, 03:22:00 pm

Blogger concerned citizen mused...

Out on good behavior again for awhile?

Wed Jan 10, 04:08:00 pm

Blogger Diana Crabtree mused...

It was such a pretty mauve color, I got a great deal!

Wed Jan 10, 04:14:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Yeah, this day release thing is such a drag L>t. Mind you, my cell mate, Bruno, is such a sensitive lover.

Wed Jan 10, 04:55:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

I agree Diana, it's a great deal. Now, get back in the box! No, not that one, yes, the one full of scorpions.

Wed Jan 10, 04:56:00 pm

Blogger Diana Crabtree mused...

Please don't make me go back in there! The scorpions are NOT sensitive lovers!

Wed Jan 10, 05:09:00 pm

Blogger concerned citizen mused...

"Bruno"? I think I know him! As a matter of fact i think he's related. Not to you, ha ha!

Wed Jan 10, 05:31:00 pm

Blogger Ticharu mused...

Groovy pic! I didn't know you were an artist!!!

Wed Jan 10, 11:45:00 pm

Blogger JLee mused...

Joke's on you, Rich. I do have a penis! I just learned the "tuck method" very well. All you need is some good gaff tape.

Thu Jan 11, 02:44:00 am

Blogger Bathroom Hippo mused...

I hope I never see that guy again for the rest of my life!

Thu Jan 11, 04:36:00 am

Blogger Ticharu mused...

I'm traumatized...

Thu Jan 11, 11:20:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Diana? No? I've always found them to be rather cuddly... wait, I'm thinking of Koalas.

Thu Jan 11, 11:51:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Thank goodness Bruno and I are not related L>t. Our children would be freaks!

Thu Jan 11, 11:52:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...


Artist? Me? Never! Well, maybe of the bullshit variety.

Thu Jan 11, 11:53:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

JLee, really? Gosh, aren't I embarrassed. Remind me not to sleep with you...


Thu Jan 11, 11:54:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

B-Hip, what a lovely compliment. I promise you'll only ever see him again after death. He's the dude who conducts the strip searches at the pearly gates.

Thu Jan 11, 11:57:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Awwww, Tichy, why?

Thu Jan 11, 11:58:00 am

Blogger JLee mused...

I like more texture...on the picture, that is.

Thu Jan 11, 03:51:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Yeah, I thought it was kinda interesting, pops out of the page a little more. Not really convinced though.

Thu Jan 11, 04:44:00 pm

Blogger Diana Crabtree mused...

Actually, I am mad at you for putting me in the Koala box too. You try to feel them up, and for some reason they start clawing you!

Thu Jan 11, 05:06:00 pm

Blogger Friends of McDougal mused...


Fri Jan 12, 12:40:00 am

Blogger Murp! mused...

Why you no like my Christmas present to you frome post below?

Fri Jan 12, 01:56:00 am

Blogger Diana Crabtree mused...

I like the first one better, because I like the flat beard against the textured shirt, I like how it makes it look weird.

Fri Jan 12, 03:11:00 am

Blogger Wendy mused...

I knew a girl from Seychelles. How the hell her family made it to las Cruces Nm, USA...don't know. But I was in second grade when her Mom came to class and fed us a delicious Seychelles curry dish. I remeber that very well.

I like the second one best.

Fri Jan 12, 06:24:00 am

Blogger Wendy mused...

OH! And I am glad you liked your Christmas card. Lots of snow stamps right? Squid said it was like sending you Christmas snow for Christmas or something cute and girly like that.

Fri Jan 12, 06:25:00 am

Blogger Bathroom Hippo mused...

All China men look like that Karate Kid teacher guy.

Fri Jan 12, 02:00:00 pm

Blogger jin mused...

Me & the pom both like the second one better.

Like it matters.
Good to have you not really back yet.

Um....wait...that didn't quite come out right...

Fri Jan 12, 07:20:00 pm

Blogger Scarlet Hip mused...

You look lovely in both pictures.

Sat Jan 13, 02:27:00 pm

Blogger Ticharu mused...

What did you do?

Sun Jan 14, 08:03:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

after looking closely at the pictures after a 1/2 5th of Captain Morgans & my new retro Jim Croce LP...I'd say #1 ....If i could save time in a bottle...I'd spend it with you...& you & you.

Sun Jan 14, 01:36:00 pm

Blogger SafeTinspector mused...

The number two for me.
Also, could you put in an extra fortune cookie? I have children.

Sun Jan 14, 02:46:00 pm

Blogger Ticharu mused...

That was a pretty surreal picture for Drive boss, made my day!

Tue Jan 16, 02:18:00 pm

Blogger Ticharu mused...

must be busy... filming... editing... sleeping in... hope you're not just out searching for water!!!

Sun Jan 21, 01:38:00 pm


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