Why I love filmmakers
A while back I did some volunteer work for the Director of a stop-motion animation. Heh? Did I just call it work. Hardly. When you have the ability to help out another filmmaker with your skills (or as my friend calls them 'SKILLZ MAN, YOU GOT DA SKILLZ') in a way that it doesn't impact on your own meanderings, I always suggest that you do it. And don't do it half-assed because you're 'only helping'. Do it to the level you would want it done on your own project.
Why? Well, there's something very satisfying in helping someone achieve a little part of their dream. No, not the dream to become a successful filmmaker, that's no real dream at all. But the dream of seeing their story and characters take on a living breathing life in front of their audience to the point where someone in the room forgets they're watching a movie and actually begins to care what happens to their friends, or hated enemies, or a small Pixar animated Robot up on screen. Now who wouldn't want to help someone create a moment like that? Oh and you also get mysterious boxes in the post for your troubles. *smiles* And who could live without a mysterious box or two.

you ever did see (machined by the Directors dad!), the animation
book I loaned them, and a book about amazing people and their stories.
*Sigh* I love filmmakers. In the words of Bill and Ted... Be excellent to each other!
In other news, I've been working on more wonderfully messy things all in the name of creating another story in which we can lose ourselves for a little while.

Take: 25
You have nice hands.
That's a cool Box 'o Stuff.
Agreed. Be Excellent.
unpoetic factual jin
Mon Oct 20, 04:31:00 pm
Remember that episode of of Seinfeld when George Kantstandya ;) became a highly sought after hand model? Yeah, that was me... until I had my hand slammed in a garage door. OK, that's only vaguely true. One of my mothers friends who used to be in that business was going to introduce me to her old business partner until I had my hand scarred by a garage door.
Although, I should remember to trim my fingernails really short before doing plaster work. Plaster drying under fingernails is surprisingly uncomfortable.
It's a very cool box of stuff. The inscription on the inside of the Andrew Zukerman book makes me smile *awwww*
Well... me, actually
Tue Oct 21, 08:58:00 am
Oh! But a scar on a hand can be sex-ay too!
Trust me, I know about hands!
That's my thing.
Most chix love asses... chests... etc. for me it's the hands & forearms. Weird I know.
In fact it was very recently that I noticed I NEVER look at the forearms of my male 'just friends'. NEVER! Haaahahahahaaa.... TMI?!
Tue Oct 21, 09:29:00 am
I'm sure it can Jin, just not in the world of advertising apparently. Although with the size of the scar on my head I'm counting on scars being somewhat sexy :)
So... that photo's, like, Jinporn. You are weird. Mooncars weirder though, she likes veins and tendons. Weird!
There's never TMI.
Tue Oct 21, 10:07:00 am
I have a lot of scars ;)))
Tue Oct 21, 10:31:00 am
jinporn... lmao... yeah.
I do in fact,
occasionally receive
pics of blogfans forearms
in my email.
Yes of course I open them.
I do occasionally receive other pics
( ! ! ! )
which always kinda shock me at first
because what appears to be a distance shot of a forearm, is, in fact... erm... NOT!
@Ruela: Why do you live on a different continent?!!? And I bet you're single too!
Tue Oct 21, 12:24:00 pm
Oh dear, is that all you have left after the council made you take down your house of stick and poo*?*
Tue Oct 21, 04:02:00 pm
oops ... that was poop wasn't it, yes thought so*!*
Tue Oct 21, 04:04:00 pm
Yes I am ;)
Tue Oct 21, 11:13:00 pm
I was about to post that the look of those hands you must be making cast molds. I was close. My hands look like that after polishing paperweight to an optical quality as the glass powder and cerinium cake onto everything.
It is the unexpected payback that is the best eh?
Thu Oct 23, 07:16:00 am
Ruela, why do I get the impression you're not talking to me?
Thu Oct 23, 12:54:00 pm
Jin, You open peoples forearms... OK, now that's going beyond weird into just plain nuts. As for the other things you receive, best to keep that just to yourself methinks.
Thu Oct 23, 12:56:00 pm
Yes Bimbimbie, Unfortunately I now sleep in the woods with only a Wombat for warmth. Damn council... always stick'n to da Man! Whoever that is.
Thu Oct 23, 12:58:00 pm
Ruela... you do know this isn't matchmakers.com don't you?
PS. I'd be careful of that Jinster, she has a reputation for nabbing people of the Internet and turning them into her sex slave... Not that that's a bad thing... just... be careful.
Thu Oct 23, 01:00:00 pm
That's exactly what I've been up to Gnat. Hmmm... optical quality polishing? If I gave you an object could you reproduce the exact shape in glass?
Thu Oct 23, 01:01:00 pm
The real tough part is getting it out of your eyes and nose after doing a full face cast. Then there was the copying machine incident. Remember mom tell you not to stare into the sun, well it was kind of like that. I couldn't see for three days.
Thu Oct 23, 02:38:00 pm
You have a really long thumb...I wonder what THAT means?
Thu Oct 23, 03:04:00 pm
Oh! Yikes! I didn't mean it like that!
Thu Oct 23, 03:05:00 pm
Sorry R man!
Jin distracted me
sex slave?????
gosh, thanks i'll be careful with that...;)
I don't use gloves too.
Fri Oct 24, 04:47:00 am
Mistress jin transforms ordinary bloggers into sex slaves ;)))))))))))))
R. you are cool.
Fri Oct 24, 09:15:00 am
First: Agreed, Rich is cool.
Second: I merely aspire to transform ordinary bloggers jinto my sex slaves. ;-)
Third: Rich, I think you've got something there...
"Welcome to G3T FILMS! The new Match.com! With puppets, too!"
Fourth: One of the greatest compliments a jin can receive from a man is when he says "jin distracted me." ;-)
Fifth: Apologies Rich for flirting in your comment section... but Ruela's so hot (have you seen him?) & I can't help myjinself. *blush*
Fri Oct 24, 11:19:00 am
Depends what it is and how big it is. Undercuts are a problem. I might be able to come close or give you and idea if I knew what it was.
I could sand cast it, but it would only be 1/2 the object. If that works it might not be a problem at all. I have been known to do a teki idol or two.
Also, I am making the rounds letting everyone know it on like Donkey Kong!
The Glass Pumpkin Contest
Two glass pumpkins up for grabs.
Red Strip Cup.
and a couple mystery prizes.
You know that dance your a former winner.
Sat Oct 25, 04:46:00 am
Depends what it is and how big it is. Undercuts are a problem. I might be able to come close or give you and idea if I knew what it was.
I could sand cast it, but it would only be 1/2 the object. If that works it might not be a problem at all. I have been known to do a teki idol or two.
Also, I am making the rounds letting everyone know it on like Donkey Kong!
The Glass Pumpkin Contest
Two glass pumpkins up for grabs.
Red Strip Cup.
and a couple mystery prizes.
You know that dance your a former winner.
Sat Oct 25, 04:46:00 am
Plaster finger puppets??
Tue Oct 28, 10:13:00 am
So how does the wombat like the new arrangement*?*
Tue Oct 28, 02:28:00 pm
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