
So I can't draw...

...next you'll be saying I can't paint!

(Acrylic on Board. 1300x1000mm)

Errrrr, OK, you're probably right but as long as the red stickers keep turning up I'll ignore the fact.

Take: 43

Blogger SafeTinspector mused...

Whats the red sticker? Is that like the one I get at the lunch line that sez I'm entitled to a salad with my sandwich?

Tue May 01, 09:36:00 pm

Blogger Monkey mused...

I think it means he's in the Red Zone.

And you can so paint. Multi-talented poopee head.


Tue May 01, 11:00:00 pm

Blogger jin mused...

Gotta say what I see
does that make me cra-zee?
The painting is fab
In a second I'd nab
it right off the wall
but what's with the blue oval ball?
Looks like you added it over the top
Could it be........from photoshop?!

As for the red dot
I know just how that got
there for I saw you eat
that huge hunk of meat
standing a bit too near
the ketchup squirted, oh dear!
Rich quickly wipes it off his chin
but leaves it on the frame with an evil grin.

Wed May 02, 06:14:00 am

Blogger Diana Crabtree mused...

You certianly CAN paint! That is the most convincing surfboard and ball bearing I have ever seen!

Wed May 02, 06:20:00 am

Blogger Scarlet Hip mused...

Wow, hot AND talented.

Wed May 02, 01:04:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

That's exactly what the red sticker is SafeT. We all like to get a little green with our meal.

Wed May 02, 01:12:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

No I can't Monkey... just don't tell anyone. Well, you can tell people I'm a poopee head, it adds to the mystery.

Wed May 02, 01:15:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Jin, would you believe it was a really dark photo and I had to brighten & contrast it a little to see more of the detail. The Blue was the only part with a white undercoat, the rest has a black undercoat, so it appears much brighter (on purpose). But if you look closely you can see where the thickened acrylic is raised above the flat blue... kinda...

But you're quite right about the ketchup!

Wed May 02, 01:29:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

As always Diana, you cut right through all that artsy crap and go right to the heart of what I was trying to express.

Wed May 02, 01:30:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Brooke, *giggle* oh you!

There's plenty hotter and more talented people than I... They're the ones I buy drinks for at bars, and then steal their paintings when they're too drunk to say anything about it.

Wed May 02, 01:34:00 pm

Blogger JLee mused...

You are a true artsy-fartsy with a capital A! (or "F" depending on if you've eaten beans and/or fiber or not)

Thu May 03, 12:49:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

I get my fiber from stomping on artsy-fartsy peoples faces and then eating their work.

Thu May 03, 09:28:00 am

Blogger jin mused...

Hey RICH!!!


*jin waves*


*jin waves*

Thu May 03, 11:26:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Um, yeah, Hi Jin... High Jin?

Thu May 03, 12:09:00 pm

Blogger jin mused...

Um...too much coffee & no food for many hours.

Well, cookies don't count, do they?!

I mean, I certainly didn't count the half a dozen that I ate.

Thu May 03, 12:37:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Sugar cookies and coffee... yep, high as a kite!

Thu May 03, 12:53:00 pm

Blogger concerned citizen mused...


Thu May 03, 03:35:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

hmmmm... why so l>t?

Thu May 03, 04:19:00 pm

Blogger Bathroom Hippo mused...

Looks nice. I'm sure you could sell that for....you know....whatever the Australian equivalancy of 1 American Dollar is...

Fri May 04, 02:32:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Fri May 04, 08:36:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Ignore that, people don't need to know how much a painting is bought for. If your value is a buck BHip, then that's how much it's worth to you. But really, 'thanks' for the vote of confidence.

Fri May 04, 08:50:00 am

Blogger concerned citizen mused...

hmmmm...stroking pointy bearded chin & adjusting beret.
"We now learn to translate reality in our imagination into constructions which can be controlled by reason, in order to recover these same constructions later in 'given' nateral reality thus "penetrating" nature by means of plastic vision."

Fri May 04, 10:12:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

I might agree with that, but I'm a little more inclined to use metallic tints and aggregates than my fellow dutchman.

Fri May 04, 10:25:00 am

Blogger concerned citizen mused...

Piet Mondrian. do you like him?

Fri May 04, 10:46:00 am

Blogger concerned citizen mused...

BTW, metallic tints...ify, but it does look reptilian.

I was going to say the middle image kinda looked like a big lizard strolling through.

Fri May 04, 10:48:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Well, yeah, the national gallery has a couple of his works... the black lines and colourful squarey type. I think they're pretty cool, but can think of quite a few artists I prefer.

Big lizard strolling through... hahaha! What can I say after that? Hahaha, crikey!

Fri May 04, 11:01:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

I guess about the only thing I can say L>t is that once you know the Australian Landscape in drought you might understand my colour choices and textures a little more...




Fri May 04, 11:09:00 am

Blogger Ticharu mused...

Did you paint that with a computer???

Fri May 04, 11:49:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Only in as much as you play your guitar with a satellite :)

Fri May 04, 12:03:00 pm

Blogger concerned citizen mused...

you know what i'd like to experience?

I'd like to pull into an Australian bay & smell Euculyptis(?) I read some where that's how you know you have reached Australia. It just seems so cool (Euculyptis/cool get it?) I'm a person who loves to smell things, anyway.

Fri May 04, 01:04:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Euculyptis (worst joke evah! hehehe) smell the best out in the middle of the bush just before it rains. Their leaves release oil and the air becomes kinda electrified with it. Easily one of my favourite scents.

Have you read the book perfume?

Fri May 04, 01:40:00 pm

Blogger concerned citizen mused...

no. never heard of it. you know i'm semi-illeterate

Fri May 04, 02:42:00 pm

Blogger concerned citizen mused...

Euculyptis (worst joke evah! hehehe) what does that mean? BTW

Fri May 04, 02:44:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Well, you certainly don't come across as semi-illiterate. Perfume's worth the read, it's a dark little rendition by Patrick Süskind about a serial killer in search of the perfect scent but the way the novel transforms your sense of smell into something completely tangible is marvelous.

For weeks after reading it I walked into rooms imagining the scent that would make the mood of the room perfect for the situation.

I was just noting that your Eu-cool-lyptis joke was 'terrible' but made me laugh anyway.

Fri May 04, 03:46:00 pm

Blogger Lil Mizfit mused...

ofcourse u can paint sweetheart! it's just that others don't like it.

ok, i was just j/k...i always make fun of the artist when i don't understand the art.

seriously, help this artistically challenged n explain whats this all abt?

Fri May 04, 09:38:00 pm

Blogger concerned citizen mused...

Ha! someone acually thought one of my jokes was funny. I think I'm hilarious, & sometimes when I make a joke I cackle like an old hen. I'm cackling right now.

Anyway, smelling has always been a big deal with me. There is this author who's a psychiatrist who writes books about weird people he's come across. He wrote about a guy who thought he had the olfactory senses of a dog. I have felt like that sometimes. Have you?

Sat May 05, 12:23:00 am

Blogger SafeTinspector mused...


Rich, and I want the damn salad now.

Sun May 06, 12:20:00 am

Blogger poopee shmoopee mused...

very interesting work. is there more?

Sun May 06, 04:42:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Fine SafeT! I just need to toss it first.

That's totally worth a shout-out!

Mon May 07, 01:23:00 pm

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Sure is Poopee,

Unfortunately with painting I tend to get bored of a style really quickly. Almost like, "Yep, I've played with that idea... NEXT!", so I rarely get to work through my ideas with increasing clarity. So the paintings in this style are about drought and our expectations of the land.

Mon May 07, 01:33:00 pm

Blogger Wendy mused...

I love it! Bubble being spaghetified in a black hole in the middle of the universe. Very Stephen Hwkingish. I'll take it. Mail it to me.

Tue May 08, 05:53:00 am

Blogger Wendy mused...

I really need to start spell checking comments, you get the gyst.

Tue May 08, 05:54:00 am

Anonymous Anonymous mused...

Sure. Actually I don't have it anymore. Sorry.

That's a totally different interpretation... I like it. 13 dimensional space it is then :)

Tue May 08, 10:06:00 am


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