Practice makes...
...whatever you want.
So yesterday, as I lounged at home on my mid-week day off (I know I'm spoilt), I was removing the excruciatingly frustrating malware from Mooncar's computer (fracking retail sites!) I was doodling away on a piece of paper as I'm want to do.

Now, most people say they can't draw but be assured it's a practiced skill. I'm not very precise when drawing doodles but I'm still practicing the hand-eye co-ordination it takes to manipulate a pencil which enables me a certain amount of skill to execute more detailed and professional looking renderings when needed. Like with the children's book.

I was also reading a book about brain plasticity while waiting for the scans on the computer to run (may anyone who creates a single piece of Malware suffer with Tinnitus) and how imagining the use of a skill is almost as effective as actually practicing the skill. In one study people imagining an exercise increased muscle size by 22%, the people actually doing the excercise increased their size by 30%. There are complicated explanantions as to how the brain effects this change in the body which are still not fully understood by the people doing the studies.

So maybe if those people who say they can't draw (and want too) just imagine themselves drawing for a few weeks, how the lines form, how they would shade in a shape, etc. Then when they actually start drawing they will find themselves already in a position of increased skill. There is a name for that... Meditation.
I find that interesting.
Well, when meditating on my doodles I did 'it' again. Came up with another idea. Whoops. But hey, I wouldn't mind learning Flash. I think a Flash site with an entire body made up of drawings like this with stories and video associated with each body part would be a really fun way to navigate through an artists body of work. So. Lets add another project to the list to be done somewhere in the future.