Movie Monster Magic - part 3
You can see the first and second parts of this post somewhere here... or there... or, well, follow those links if you likes.
As for part 3, it's time to play with some fairly funky, if not carcinogenic chemicals. I've been told there are some not so carcinogenic chemicals that do the same thing but I haven't had time to see if there's a supplier down this way.
I'll keep you posted but until then, wear these;

Then take these;

In these amounts;

and pour together...

Whisk for 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and 5 and 6 and 7 and...

...then pour into your mold and put on the top.

Obviously with only 8 seconds of time to work with you're going to want to be very prepared before you start mixing chemicals together and work fast but sensibly when you're pouring it into the mold.

I always have another person with me to pour part B into part A while I'm whisking. I also get them to put the top on the mould as I finish pouring, As they put the top on I'm reaching for the bricks. It's, like, you know, team work!

After about an hour (I usually leave it for 12 hours) the chemicals will have finish all their reacting and you can open the mold. The final product is bound to look a little messy.

But as you cut off the excess foam and patch some of the seams where the latex meet you will end up with something like this. Still rough, but obviously the same thing that you were trying to mould.

Next time, (meaning, if I get time tomorrow) I'll show you a more finalised puppet and even see if I can get the sucker to work and look half decent on camera.