
Fear Me... Grrrrrr... I'm a Dragon.
So I was chatting to my brother the other day. The hard-drinking tattooed hippy surfer mohawk mullet brother. Apparently he's joined the circus. I know what you're thinking, "Wow, Rich's brother is a bearded lady?! Cool!" but I'm sorry to disappoint you. It's not that sort of circus. I'm not even sure it's a real circus or if it's his lounge room and an over active imagination. What I am sure of though is that he and a couple of mates appeared on telly the other day doing their fire-breathing, acrobatic, trapeze routine. WTF? Turn on TV. "Hey, there's my brother chatting to Ernie Dingo about the Trapeze". WTF?
I was going to finish the story today but it was boring even me, and I can usually entertain myself with boring things for an unusual amount of time. Like the time I... *snore*. You get the idea anyway, kidney infected & swollen, bladder infected & swollen, kidney stones, blood, pus, excruciating pain, blah, blah, blah, everythings cool now. Who gives a rats patoobie...
H'in Fluen Zae looked westward towards the pooling dusk of friday eve with its masses of post labour bronchioles exciting the cooling air with their steaming breath. This of course was no mean feat for a nonmotile gram-negative facultatively anaerobic rod bacteria but his apparent sentience and gender specific title concerned H'in Fluen Zae less than his desire to find a warm alveoli which could ensure his survival.
Following on from forests, flying things and bubbles; I was wandering the blogs as I'm want to do on a friday afternoon and at the behest of a far too infrequent blogger (whose characters remind me a little of my favourite childrens book author and illustrator *Space Monkey and Mr Lunch Rule!*) I came across some of Mary Blairs work with forests, flying things and bubbles.
There's probably a bajillion things I could say about this little foray into childrens programming but I've been a little pre-occupied with real life stuff over the last few days so I've forgotten half of what I was going to talk about. I did get a little nostalgic when preparing this one for the web though, these critters are so cute (not that I'm biased). I still hold out hope that I'll get to produce this one as five minute TV fillers for kids under the age of three. Maybe I should just produce six 'episodes' at this production quality and sell direct to the public. Any producers out there can stop laughing now, ever heard of Baby Einstein? Yeah, knew that would quiet you down!
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I was going through some old tapes yesterday and came upon this little gem. I had forgotten that I'd even made this. It's a very early blue-screen test of a fairy puppet I'd made after I started recieving orders for 'Cat and Dog'. Although the crazy blue screening in 'Cat and Dog' adds to the overall humour of the piece I probably made this to assure myself that I could achieve some decent looking characters if I chose.
During my web wandering today I came across a pilot made in 1999 for an Aussie TV show for kids called Odd Sox. I adore kids programming, not surprising considering Cat and Dog Find the Easter Bunny, and making TV for kids is really satisfying in a let your ’let your imagination be free while teaching something’ sort of way. Although this pilots editing and story telling is a little passe I can happily say the puppetry and sets are truly excellent. Although that shouldn't be surprising considering the show features some of Oz's best puppeteers. Here's the opening credits.
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