Sorry about the delay... My op is now officially re-scheduled until April. Oh well, six more weeks of putting up with 'Evil Richard'. Hopefully he wont be too consuming over that time. He really can be a pain some days!
But that's alright, I spent the time constructively. Learning how to sew. It really is a lot of fun... yuh, I know, like, totally gay! The cat is my first attempt at sewing, he's a hand puppet complete with inner sleeve to put one's hand (although the cat IS a little tight fitting - giggle! So very wrong) He's made from an old bed-spread and the face is a inter-changeable latex insert which was made with a similar process to Vlzerdko and Brun.
The bunny is Mooncar's first attempt to sew a puppet. Pretty cool huh! I made the face, which halved the production time... even cooler! Did you know you can bake brushing latex in a plaster mold at low temperatures (70 degrees Celsius) to reduce the curing time to a tenth of the time it usually takes? Me neither... I do now. How awesome is that for thick pieces of brushed latex... And as you know it too, pass it on. The rabbits face is about an inch thick in the nose part and it took about 5 hours in the oven to set. It usually wouldn't have set for about 5 days, or potentially ever, maintaining a sloppy inner core! Experimentation rocks!

If the rumour mill is to be believed, Bunny, a rod and stick puppet, will co-star in this years Easter film along with Vlzerdko and Brun. Hence the cool de-saturated look of the photo. It is meant to be some 3rd world eastern block country... their cameras wouldn't be as good as mine :) Anyway, it's something to keep me interested while waiting for the head thingy to resolve itself. No I haven't forgotten that I'm working on the Sprites, the Easter film this year's really an attempt to work out some of my ongoing production issues with the Sprites material. Maybe I should just pitch to the AB friggin C, they're apparently short of content at the moment, and let them bring people into the project who can fix those issues for me.
Hurumph, then I'd have to give up ancillary rights... maybe it's worth it just to get stuff produced properly... who know's? It's such a confusing business!