Relax! Do I need an excuse for not finishing the film yet? It is, after all, a film I designed to help iron out some of the digital effects and puppet making skills I want to use for the Sprites. That has been done. So although none of you have seen it, it’s an excellent film if only for this reason.
Strangely though, as I look around at similarly genre media being produced at the moment I do keep seeing hints of the Sprites. Which of course probably means my time is running out to produce them... that or I should be approaching these people to work on the Sprites. This often happens to people in this industry. You have an idea, work hard at figuring out what the best slant for that idea is, how it should be birthed into the world and then you discover someone already has a similar idea just being put into production.

Not the same picture but still LSD induced art?
I know Mooncar has often claimed people have stolen my ideas in one way or another. That’s not true. But it is almost as if artists are all looking at the same Akashic records and the first one to interpret what we’re instinctively feeling/seeing correctly, truly believe in it as an idea and be in a position to run with it will get the production up first. Hmmm, imagine if that was even remotely true, it does of course beg the question of what’s so important about the world seeing a strangely rendered but beautiful puppet show for kiddies at this point in time? Ha, I’m not nearly fatalistic enough to pretend I can answer that.
Of course, that does not in any way explain why big studios release uncannily similar pictures at the same time. That’s purely thieving an idea already in production and claiming ‘marketing strategy’ as an excuse. That’s why one of the films will always have poor production values, a ‘rushed’ look, with a story although similar that is truly pitiful. That’s the one that’s the marketing driven box office slop.
So, what’s my excuse for not finishing the film? Hmmm, let me see…
BTW, grrr) told me its completion would disrupt
universal harmony, I couldn’t do it to you all…
I was on a research trip to the former Soviet Union.
Now I know they celebrate Easter I can finish the film…
I accidentally fell into a small cardboard box,
liked it a lot and thought I’d stay a while…
I’ve been involved in developing a vaccine for an
upcoming bird flu pandemic to be unleashed by the CIA…
The UN international tribunal put me under house arrest
for committing a crime against humanity… luckily once I
had explained it, they agreed it was a necessary crime…
I had to stop and change a Nun’s tire. She was a naughty nun.
We fell in love. We ran away to Patagonia. A week later I realised
it was purely infatuation. Strangely, my car was still on the side
of the highway completely intact... I thought god would have been angrier...
I’m actually a Superhero, that last villain Kronos managed to
freeze me in a time fissure. But I think we’re all agreed, I showed him!..
I needed to brush my teeth, with a rare deep-sea crustacean…
A turf war broke out between local hoods that shut down our
entire neighbourhood. I mean really, it was an argument
that was actually over local turf. None of us dared leave
our houses in case we stepped on a piece of grass...
I just couldn’t find my characters motivation despite
having tried amphetamines, marijuana, LSD, and
psychedelic mushrooms; wouldn’t you know it, I’d
accidentally left it in my other pair of pants…
Well, surely it has to be one of those. In possibly related news, I’m going here this weekend.

So I should be nice and relaxed when I’m able to access my editing suite again next Monday, it's been off limits this week due to other work being conducted on it.