As I wind down another shooting week, working between 8:30am and 12:00am for 4 or 5 days straight, and the editing reaches that stage of...
Ripple Delete;
Creativity reaches an all time low, nay, a more appropriate synonym which imbues the idea of uncaring tiredness that I can't think of because I don't care and I'm tired. It's nice to come out into the webisphere and find really cool inspiring stuff like this. Well, it's inspiring to someone like me who really enjoys creating stuff for people with my child-like mentality, namely children. Kath Bee's blog is linked over in my sidebar at the bottom.
So what do people think... on the weeks we're not Cut; Delete; Repeat; should we do some sort of film clip for one of KBs songs? You know, fer the fun've it!
I would have come up with some sort of drawn concept but you know... I don't care and I'm tired... YEAH, right, that's not me at all

PS. No news on the camera yet... *sigh*
UPDATE: DSR needs, wait forrit, new heads and blocking unit... ka-ching! *sigh*