Encapsulate: Through the void
So, here is an updated, coloured, version of one of the cities, the Pollen Factory (apparently it makes good food), that our young hero passes on his way through the void. I'm not particularly keen on this colour-job but that can be changed and it certainly gives people a better idea what it would be like to live and work within a haven of the void; an industrialised haven at that. I certainly like the more organic versions of the AirFish (maybe not pink) shown here with one wild and one captured. Although the one that's captured isn't wearing its riding harness.

And of course, what would be a journey through the void without our young hero. Shown here with his god given 'barrier' still in place, like everyone else who lives within the void.

How long will he keep it? Well, wouldn't be much of a story if he didn't have some sort calamity beset him.