Sometimes we're presented with situations in which we react intuitively. The problem is, intuition is fluffy. It's not even like flipping a coin where you know you're going get 50-50 odds on being right. My intuition is usually pretty good, but this one time I even flipped a coin 32 consecutive times with the result being heads (thankyou Rosencrantz and Guildenstern).
Anyway, back to those situations and reactions, after a recent event I was thinking, more fuming... fuming is more fun and the smoke trails give you something purty to look at while working out what the hell is going on... Anyway, I was fuming when I remembered it's not necessarily the situation you find yourself in it's more about your reaction to that event. Memory is good, K.
This one time, at band camp, well, on the railway platform fairly late at night. I was waiting for my train when I saw some drunk guy, who was chatting to some girl, grab her breast. You could tell straight away from her reaction that she didn't know the guy, she was cool but obviously disturbed by the event. Now, my reaction was to start walking directly towards them with the idea being to move between them, feign some sort of long-lost friendship with the girl, and walk away with her to the guards compartment. Intuitively, that's the way I'd deal with that event, the drunk isn't the problem. The girl being within arms length of the drunk is the problem. If the drunk turned his attentions towards me after that... well, that's another matter.
Unfortunately for the inebriated-sexually-harassing-dipshit he made a little mistake, despite her protestations he decided to have another grope, I was even close enough to hear him say "What? You should like it!". Idiot. His mistake being that a much, much, MUCH, larger gentleman who was closer than me noticed and beat the living crap out of him. When I say 'beat' I really mean the colossus' first move was to pick the drunk up above his head and throw him three metres into a vending machine. He then proceeded to stomp on the guy until platform security arrived. Impressive. Intuitive. Ina-spot-of-trouble-with-the-police. Well, not really trouble, they shook the colossus' hand, took a statement, and sent him on his way. His way was to remove the drunk from the equation...
But yeah, that's two ways to react to an event... what would you have done?
Me, I'm not a colossus, I don't react like one, nor should I try.
Anyway, more Bees. Sorry to those who are afraid of them but I'm thinking of turning these into oil paintings. Sorry, fuming of turning these into oil paintings... no... wait...

I'm on 'walkabout' next week. I'll be around a 'puter, but hopefully not too often.